A Third Of Consumers Say Customer Experience Has Improved, A Third Say It's Worse

  • 12 July 2022
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A Third Of Consumers Say Customer Experience Has Improved, A Third Say It's Worse
Userlevel 4

The customer experience has not improved much over the past year, judging by CX Trends, Challenges, & Opportunities, a study by Customer Contact Week (CCW) Digital. Of the consumers polled, 33% say it has gotten worse, and 9% say it is much worse. Another 35% report no change, while 33% say things are better and 10% say there has been a major upgrade. In addition, 33% say most experiences do not feel personalized, with 15% saying most are personalized and 52% saying some.  Moreover, bad service has consequences. For one, 43% of consumers would switch to a competitor after two bad experiences, and 17% would jump after one.


more info here: https://bit.ly/3OX5Uzh

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